
Ginkgo II
L'opération de développement Malaca Delta devient une réalité.
Près de 15 ans après que le grand projet résidentiel de La Térmica a été mis sur la table, l'opération de développement urbain est en bonne voie pour devenir une réalité. En effet, la Direction génér...
The EIF and EDR Private Equity partnership in the field of sustainable urban regeneration
Ginkgo 3 is the third vintage dedicated to sustainable brownfield remediation and redevelopment in Europe.
The fund has reached its final closing with EUR 365 million of capital com...
EDR et la Banque Des Territoires investisseurs dans les Fonds Ginkgo 3
› Ginkgo 3 est le troisième fonds, dédié à la réhabilitation durable de friches industrielles polluées et à leur réaménagement en Europe, en partenariat avec l’équipe d’investisse...
Porto / A new investment for Ginkgo
Ginkgo has just acquired a brownfield site in Porto. This is the first time Ginkgo Advisor has established a presence in Portugal and the second time it has done so in the Iberian Peninsula after Mála...
A new investment in Montreuil for Ginkgo
Ginkgo has joined forces with real estate developer ALIOS DEVELOPPEMENT to acquire "La Tour Orion" from GECINA, an ageing building dating from the 1980s located at the foot of the Croix de Cha...
Ginkgo commits to its third fund
Following on from Ginkgo 1 (2010) and Ginkgo 2 (2016), Ginkgo 3 focuses on the clean-up and redevelopment of polluted sites. Ginkgo 3's investment strategy meets the objectives of controlling urb...

L'amiante: l'arbre qui cache la forêt de la dépollution(EN)

Interview de Pascal Roudier, Directeur Environnement du Fonds Ginkgo
Dr Pascal Roudier, what is your background and your role in Ginkgo?
I have a doctorate in hydrogeology. Instead of making a career in the classic oil and mining fields like some of my colleague...

Les Jardins de l’Orne prévoient 280 nouvelles habitations
A company is above all men working together", said Auguste Lannoye, the founder of the Genval and Mont-Saint-Guibert paper mills. Nearly one hundred years later, we could easily paraphrase him, since ...

Un fonds spécialisé dans la réhabilitation des friches industrielles
Several major institutional investors launched Wednesday in Lyon a new fund specialised in the remediation of heavily polluted industrial wastelands, in the continuity of a first successful Fund launc...

Le fonds Ginkgo se renforce sur le filon peu exploité des friches contaminées
While the operations launched under "Ginkgo Fund I" are still ongoing, Ginkgo is targeting 140 million for its second vehicle.
Six years after its first vehicle launched in 2010, the Ginkgo fund, nam...